
ISO 3824-2 Archieven - smartweldcenter.be

Smartweld Center stays committed to quality!
At the beginning of this year, Smartweld Center was fully audited in order to obtain the EN ISO 3834-2 & EN 1090 EXC3 certification. Since quality is always a priority in our works, we found it necessary to obtain these certifications so that our clients can outsource their projects to us with full confidence! We...
Visual Welding Inspection Level 2 training was a great success!
Early this year, the ‘Visual Welding Inspection Level 2’ training course started for the first time at Smartweld Center’s training centre. The course was immediately full and ended up being a great success as we are proud to report that all participants passed the exam and received the ‘Welding Inspector VT w Level 2’ certificate!...
‘Visual Welding Inspection VT w Level 2’ training course started
Friday 26/1, the ‘Visual Welding Inspection VT w Level 2’ training course started in Smartweld Center’s brand new conference room. With 10 participants, the training was immediately full. Given its success, we are already busy looking into organising another training course later in the year, in collaboration with DKW Welding Solutions, so that everyone gets...

At the beginning of this year, Smartweld Center was fully audited in order to obtain the EN ISO 3834-2 & EN 1090 EXC3 certification. Since quality is always a priority in our works, we found it necessary to obtain these certifications so that our clients can outsource their projects to us with full confidence! We...